The Winter Solstice…
At the start of my “writing week” I was fired up to dispel the fantasy of the Pilgrims coming to the “New World” for religious freedom and writing about the “political hack” who is posing as an impartial Supreme Court Justice. But four days before Christmas Day it just didn’t feel right —- wait until January.
I started this blog 70 weeks ago. I have written opinion pieces, personal reflections and descriptions of treasured moments every week. Here we are, Christmas 2021, and we are still faced with a withering number of problems and issues which test the very emotional capacity of our fragile minds and bodies. It is the Winter Solstice today December 21st. We are celebrating the return of the sun as the days begin to get longer. From the days of Pagan celebrations, people of nearly any religious background choose the winter solstice to gather with family and friends. Certainly in the United States, Christmas and Hanukkah dominate the celebratory landscape. However, there are many others religions around the world that choose to celebrate at this time of year. Many of our treasured symbols, such as the Christmas Tree, have moved from pagan origins to Christian symbolism. Instead of railing against the inequities of the human condition, I want to take this time to thank all of you who take the time to read my musings. My audience has continued to grow although at a glacial pace, but grow nonetheless. I derive a great deal of pleasure from the opportunity to write, but nothing gives me more pleasure than to know that many of you find these writings to be of value.
No matter how you celebrate at this time of year, I wish you and your loved ones the very best. My hope is that you will have an opportunity to connect with each other in the same deep way that I was able to connect with my family over the Thanksgiving week. Regardless of the expression you choose at this time of year I hope it is heartfelt and sincere. Whether its Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah or another expression, receive it, not in its correctness, but in its sincerity and warmth. I thank you for your kindness and the time you have allocated to read my blog. I wish you all a blessed time of celebration with whomever you choose to celebrate the return of the sun and the sincere hope for a better outcome.
With gratitude,