I Don’t Know….

….about you but …..

“From the flight deck, this is your pilot, Sky King, we will be leaving as soon as the technicians….. garbled———inaudible———-buzzing ——— muffled ——- buzzing ….finish repair work on the starboard engine….. Thank you for choosing United” Technicians? Engine? A Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner cost $248.6 million… You would think that for that price you would get a “PA” system that was clear and understandable. Seriously am I the only one that cannot understand a word they say? Except for the bad words - delay - problem - waiting - just a few more things to load on the plane - which are mixed in with unintelligible noise, these public address messages are not decipherable. The airport “PA” system is no better. Will Mr. St….buzzing noise … emergency … more buzzing white courtesy phone. Is that for me? Emergency? In the age of technology can’t we find a system to deliver clear messages? I don’t know about you but I can’t understand a word they are sayn’

One more thing: I spent the last few days of a recent trip to Italy developing a heavy case of anxiety listening to the continual dribble of messages regarding Covid, rules for leaving a country, tracking forms etc. In reality the person behind that computer screen at the departure gate that used to irritate you with the constant clicking of the keyboard keys as if they were writing a thesis instead of checking you in, is now our first line of defense for Covid protocol violators. After all of the back and forth, rules, and 22 messages from British Airways, the only thing you needed was a passport, a negative rapid test, oh, and you had to remember your address. Really??? C’mon man!!

That’s all I have this week. I still miss Italy and all of the people that made the last three weeks so memorable, loving and downright incredible. It was and is a constant reminder of the value of friendships and family. Never take for granted those precious moments of focused, concentrated time with the people you love and care about. They are sandwiched in between the white noise of those PA announcements that you cannot understand. So when you can hear the words clearly remember to appreciate the moments of clarity and understanding. Embrace those moments ,there is more white noise ahead.

“Did the pilot say “emergency landing?”


The Winter Solstice…


The Gift That Keeps on…