Why Now?

It started with Christmas Cards.  My parents were masters at this, with a long and updated list of addresses.  Most importantly was the careful selection of the Christmas Card which appropriately underscored their sentiment for the Christmas season. Then came the photo card with a lengthy description of the achievements of the family.  It mostly centered on the children with a detailed description of the Nobel prizes won, degrees bestowed and endangered animals rescued.  This was followed by the postcard photo op od the extended family, sometime two sided depending on how large the family had grown over the preceding 12 months either through natural causes or successful merger. Now it is a simple text message wishing for a happy holiday unless you risk making mention of Christmas.  This year I was wondering the following:

Why is this sudden outpouring of caring and wishing at the end of the year? We have the urge to make sure we touch base with people that have been untouched for the other eleven months of the year.   I found myself going through the mental gymnastics of reviewing the names of people I know that were anxiously waiting to hear from me.   Why don't we do this exercise at other times of the year?  What makes it so critical do let them know I am thinking of them NOW.  They don’t have time to buy and send a gift so that motivation is cancelled. Maybe they owe me money – a possibility but may be better left unsaid until January.  March might be a good idea to stay in touch with people.

I know I forgot to wish someone a Merry Christmas.    It is always a little easier when they write first – then all you have to do is respond in kind.  I think it is nice to hear from people wishing me a Merry Christmas.  There is nothing more supportive and warmer than being acknowledged.  I suppose you could wonder why? Do they want something? Did they miss me? Whatever the reason it is a thoughtful gesture and one worth acknowledging and encouraging.

I bring this up because aside from the kindness of the message my question is why now? Why the end of the year? Christmas cards were all the rage a few years back. It still remains --- why the end of the year?  Will I not hear from you until next December?

The end of the year -- Does this mean a conclusion? The reality is January 2nd will reveal the exact same issues that frustrated us in December. We say all our best wishes and then go back to doing the exact same thing.  The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different outcome.

Don’t get me wrong I think it is a great idea to stay in touch and in tough in multiple ways. I am only questioning the necessity to do it NOW.  Are we really too busy to reach out at other times of the years - say May?  

I found a hand written note from a colleague.  I had saved it all these years, not because of the note itself but of the effort to write the note.  I have saved this hand written two-line note while most of my Christmas greetings have long since been recycled.  I would suggest that if you wanted to receive full credit for your remembrances next year -----Try sending your remembrances in February or July for that matter …… May


Happy New Year --- Thinking of you!!!



New Year 2024


Dear Santa