Dear Santa

Dear Santa:

I hope this letter finds you well and happy. Further, I hope you had a good rest prior to this busy time of year. It must be confusing to be a pagan symbol in a highly religious period of the year, but, heck we are all somewhat confused this time of year. I mean who would not be confused when companies choose this religious/pagan holiday to be the opportune time to lay people off of their jobs. Somehow that doesn’t seem to be in the spirit of giving and sharing. However, that is the least of the contradictory messages we are receiving at this time of giving. I hope you will not think this list is selfish or greedy but here is my list of wants for this Christmas.

  1. Peace on Earth. I know I ask for that every year, but seriously this is really getting out of hand. I mean powerful weapons appear to be as easy to buy as toilet paper and everyone uses them frequently, thus, causing those of us who are scared shitless to need more toilet paper.

  2. Could you get rid of these sanctimonious right to life folks who have no problem arming everyone with assault rifles. I am sure you see the contradiction.

  3. I would like someone to help me set up my old train set before I think it would be fun to have it circling the Christmas tree rather than after Christmas which is when I think of it.

  4. I would like more Italian in my life, if you know what I mean.

  5. I would like it if you could give us all a little more compromise in our lives. I mean all of us.

  6. I know this is a big one but you cannot allow any of these Republicans anywhere near the White House.

  7. I am stumped as to how to ask for this but somehow I would like the world to take climate change seriously. I might not be around but my children and grandchildren will be and I would like them to be as blessed with the beauty of nature that we have been blessed with over the last 100 years.

  8. Finally, I am grateful for the gifts I have received. Gifts of love and caring that I receive everyday from my family and friends. I am one of those fortunate ones and my only real hope and request is that more people in the world can feel as fortunate as I.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays


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