Those words were uttered by Sen. Chris Murphy this afternoon after 19 children were shot at a Texas elementary school, ten days after another shooter killed 10 African Americans at a grocery store in Buffalo.   He delivered his remarks on the Senate floor and can be viewed on CSpan (May 24, 2022, at 2:40 pm PDT)

His speech was passionate and riveting.  We have more mass shootings in this country than days in the year.  He reminded us of the continuing emotional trauma that the victims have years after the event.  He pleaded with his fellow Senators to “do something” to stem the rising tide of these events in the United States.  It was a rallying cry for help and action.  You might even feel a wave of positive emotion that finally our elected representative might try to do something to cure this disease of hate and violence that is fueled by selfish arrogant media personalities and fomented by thoughtless politicians.   Check yourself,  all you have to do to understand that nothing will be done is to read Sen Murphy’s identifier at the bottom of the screen


That is all you need to know when assessing the possibility of action. Not one R-State will ever support him.   He is a Democrat and thus anything he says will be objected. We will quickly retreat to our tribal tents and bemoan the loss of lives while we tune into Fox News.

We are the only country in the world that has this problem except for Russia which chooses to bomb the shit out of schools and hospitals and thus their numbers are much larger.  Thus, in comparison, the US looks great.  The strange company we choose to align ourselves.  It is a sad day when in reality we are no better than the country we so routinely criticize for killing its citizens.

It is a sad day indeed…


Déjà Vu All Over Again…


Mothers to the Rescue