Déjà Vu All Over Again…

It did not take a rocket scientist to see where the gun debate would go after another 21 people were slaughtered at a school. Pres. Biden comments that Mitch McConnell is coming around to supporting gun legislation.???? Are you kidding! McConnell will do nothing to support anything the smells of Democratic legislation. This is a man who has zero interest in governance for the country and only is interested in his personal power. This is a man who represents a state with a population of under 4.5 million. Yet he has driven appointments and legislation that has curtailed the rights and the ability of choice for millions. The thought of he or any other Republican willing to “do the right thing” is completely out on context with the world we live. Mark my words there will be NO significant legislation on guns until we vote out of office people like Mitch McConnell. Voting for representatives is not like voting for a couple on Dancing With the Stars”. Votes, like actions, have consequences. If you don’t “like” Hillary or Joe, then you receive the consequences of no reasonable gun legislation; a supreme court willing to ignore your right of choice and state legislatures ability to limit your access to the ballot box. When you vote, vote as if it has consequence because it does. The longer we elect the Mitch McConnells of the world, the longer we will have choices limited and our children at risk.

….I think it’s time we stop

Children, What’s that sound? Everybody look, what’s going down?

… There’s battle lines being drawn

Nobody’s right if everybody’s wrong. Young people speaking their minds. Getting so much resistance from behind

Buffalo Springfield —- 1967

Written 55 years ago and here we are!!

Sad, indeed


Taking a Break…
