
About three years ago I decided it was a good idea to learn the Italian Language. I think my tutors would question that calculation as it has probably been longer. I am a slow learner. I often say it would have been easier if I had started 40 years ago. However, for me, the study of language has brought more than just the grammar of a challenging language. The study of language is the study of culture, experience, values and understanding. Peeling the layers of an onion is the perfect analogy to the study of language. Each layer brings on a new experience and a deeper understanding, not only of the new language, but also of your native language. Suddenly those Latin and English classes that you dreaded in school seem far more important. Thus on this Thanksgiving week of 2021 I am giving thanks to Italy (il bel paese) and the beautiful language of this country.

I am giving thanks to the incredible good fortune that life has endowed me and my family. My study of the Italian language and Italy has brought my family to this beautiful place for Thanksgiving. My five children (I am including my eldest as she is here in spirit. She is recovering from surgery and mending the pieces), their significant others, spouses, fiancé, and grandchildren have all managed to assemble in Firenze, Italia. They have travelled from San Francisco, Denver and London for a combined mileage of 19550. I am overwhelmed with gratitude that this family has managed to postpone work, school and lives to assemble in this beautiful city to celebrate Thanksgiving together. I could enunciate the multitude of blessings that have been bestowed on me and my family but the true blessing is the demonstration of love and caring that each of us has brought to this gathering to underscore the beauty of love and family. I am eternally grateful for this gift.

Rendo grazie per queste tante benedizioni

Io sono tantissimo grato per questo Giorno del Ringraziamento


“Don’t be sad it’s over…”

