Reality Sets In
It began to appear last night ---- the winter fog was filling the city, seeping in through the alley ways and around the buildings regardless of stature. It is a particularly cold fog as it embraces the chill rather than pushing the heat away as it does in its welcoming way during the heat of the summer. Even the fog horns are low and muffled as they are gripped by this frigid January evening. By morning the depth of its intrusion was revealed --- it was as unwelcoming as the night. I am not sure if it is sadness, melancholy, depression or just the wanting of some other feeling than what makes gray and cold feel so, well, gray and cold. December was the month of hope or maybe it was just a month of procrastination or to be oblivious to the reality that is ahead – January….
The month that was sure to come and it did… we understand that alcohol is actually as bad as we thought so we become dry --- or the prospect of eating sweet potatoes because they are good for men’s health along with chicken and beets Yum Yum--- the understanding that Jimmy Carter was an incredible human who served humanity for 100 years and that seemed too short ---- the fear that our current “leaders” might live that long and that seems unrelentingly too long --- maybe I am bummed because I fixed my electric train AFTER Christmas with the grandchildren and now they have to wait until next year --- can I leave it for eleven months hoping the cleaning people don’t run over it?--- I now realize that I cannot go to Little Joes every night even though I want to – My water bill was $2000 during an atmospheric river whose fault is that – my same personality flaws are still with me --- I stopped listening to the news but I can still feel it --- now that is depressing --- I put a large bag of unseparated Christmas everything and my neighbor called me out on it --- coyotes(which we shot on the ranch) had a party – two weeks of no rain and we are back in drought mode – my Italian is no better than it was last month --- The niners are out and the Warriors are in – sort of? --- Maybe the Chargers will take me – I bought mulch in the rain and now my car smells like it – Those old 20-dollar bills are still floating around, were we supposed to see a new one? --- like the new twenty dollar bills we will continue to demonstrate our ability to have the shortest attention span in history ---- anybody remember Jan 6th
Yesterday is like a bad memory ---- today is a bright sunny day…..What could go wrong?
What was I depressed about???
I can hear the fog horns again, now I remember ---- I am not feeling better about myself!!!
Happy New Year!!!! Or is it?