
I was hoping to come up with something super clever to write about this week, but cleverness has taken a few days off.

INERTIA: “a tendency to do nothing or to remain unchanged”. For the last many years I have lived my life in an inert state “a property of matter by which it continues in its existing state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line, unless that state is changed by an external force” . I was focused on one thing and that was the effort to dispose of my large property. Little was accomplished aside from my haranguing of the inadequate efforts of my numerous unsuccessful real estate brokers. But now that inert state has been changed by an external force. A buyer has come from the outside and by his very act of purchase has jettisoned me out of my inert state. I am now floating adrift in a sea of possibilities buffeted about by self doubt.

There is comfort in an inert state as one can count on its sameness. The movie “Ground Hog Day” explored the state of inertia in a brilliant way. There is comfort in this state of being—-job, home,partner, play time, sports activities—-think of the consistency of your routine. Even as one complains about that routine, it gives comfort in limiting the unknown. Financial markets like predictability; a sense of understanding of what to expect, thus, providing the ability to plan. But life, as John Lennon wrote, “is what happens to you while you’re busy making plans.” Few of us plan for that “external force” as we are focused on the inert state of living.

Obviously the comfort of inertia is in conflict with the high probability that the external force is out there and headed your way. So it is with me, after all of these years of complaining and ruminating about my inert state the outside force has enter stage left.

The external force is not without problems —- I mean what the hell will I do now? No more comfort in my complaints, I will have to find new things to complain about while I search for the tranquil sea. Maybe just maybe that is what I desire. Not the still wind and the glassy sea but the steady breeze over the starboard rail as I tack to new adventures and the possibility of some personal success that allows me to recognize my value. It is a search we should all attempt. Our lives and our country are being thrown about by the waves of doubt and insecurity as we live in a world of purposeless destruction of the norms which gave us secure footings. Change has been presented to us from the outside now it is up to us to take advantage of the discovery process.

The sea of possibilities seems scary, but as I lay back and allow it to support me I feel a sense of welcome and strength. I am thankful for the outside force that disrupted my inert state.

The sun has set on Ground Hog Day…..



