My First Crush & The Word Part I

                      A few years back I introduced Billy Shore, Founder, and CEO of Share Our Strength and all-around philanthropic guru, to my friend; Shaun Cassidy, singer, writer, producer, and all-around renaissance guy.   Shaun and award-winning winemaker, Steve Clifton have collaborated to produce an excellent flight of wines under the label “My First Crush”.  My two friends, Billy and Shaun, worked together to create an enduring gift of $2.00 from every bottle sold to benefit the “No Kid Hungry” campaign of Share Our Strength.  This marvelous philanthropic effort seeks to eliminate childhood hunger in the United States.  Shockingly there are 15 million children in the US that go hungry, not because of the lack of food, but because we fail to distribute our abundant food resources to those in need.  One afternoon the three of us were discussing the development of this marvelous collaboration; the branding, its success, and of course our memories of Our First Crush.    I think Shaun has touched on one of those memories that remain in full clarity.  I am amazed at the things we remember as if they happened yesterday and the things we just cannot bring back.  Those with clarity are the ones that touch us on many levels.  Not just an event to recall but a memory that touches our heart and soul and thus remains with fullness.  There are many things I have forgotten about my growing up, however, one of the things I have not forgotten is my first crush.  The story of my first crush is also connected to “The Word” ---- my introduction and usage of – Fuck.  Now get your minds out of the gutter, I am not thinking of THAT usage, I am thinking of the first time I used the word in public as a part of my vocabulary.  If you want to get a real laugh look up the UTube video of Baba Rajneesh “It is a magical word. Just by its sound it can describe pain, pleasure, hate, and love.” It is about 5 years old but worth the search… I digress… enough prologue.

My parents rented the same apartment every summer in Newport Beach.  I grew up in a privileged family but not varsity privilege, we were junior varsity privilege.  This apartment was surrounded by homes owned by Los Angeles area families that were varsity privileged.  We were the cheap house on an expensive block.   These families came to the beach for the summer from various cities within the Los Angeles region.  Their children became famous world-class sailors in the Olympics and world championships.

I honestly don’t remember what her family did or where exactly they were from but I remember her.  She was tall, blond, and pretty.  She was older than me, but that did not deter me from having a massive crush on Charlene.   I watched her every move and took every opportunity to be near her as our houses were next to each other. The beach was our playground so there was plenty of opportunities to hang out.  Thinking back, it was probably obvious to everyone except me, since I thought I was being so discreet.   Unrequited love was surely the correct description of this romance.  Every summer was a chance to rekindle the crush.  I have no idea where Charlene is now but for many years, I imagined that our age difference would collapse and we would meet again.  Alas, that never happened. 

My parents were good friends with her parents so there were additional opportunities for sightings. Mom and Dad liked her parents and entertained them often either at the Newport Harbor Yacht Club or having them over for lunch with their family.  My mother was very particular about her lunches and preparation for them was extensive and stress-producing.  It was at one of these lunches that I first introduced the word “fuck” into my public vocabulary.

Next week ---- Part II “What did you say?”



My First Crush & The Word Part II


The Vaccine