I’m Scared

I was listening to All things Considered on NPR.   They were interviewing the director of  Netflix’s  “The Midnight Club” adapted from a novel by Christopher Pike.  Set at a home for terminally ill teenagers, it is about teenagers having to reconcile with terminal diseases and with death.      The discussion that ensued was the director explaining that this movie was about life not death as the death part for the people in the movie had already been determined.  He went on to discuss the fascination with horror movies is actually a fascination with death.  The idea of being scared to death for this movie was unnecessary as in one sense it had already happened.   It was concluded , as these kids had terminal illnesses.  The movie from the director’s standpoint was an examination of death and how we deal with it.  So simply explained and now I know why I don’t like horror movies

– I am sure I am not the only one but I am definitely in the camp of struggling to deal with what is the inescapable reality of the limited life we have on earth.  When the Alfred Hitchcock movie “Psycho” came out in 1960 my sister had been allowed to go.   It was a few summers later and it was still a frightening movie I was allowed to see the movie.  I would not go, however, until she had told me the story.  What fun is that you might say.  I have no problem knowing the plot of the movie.  I even knew when the famous shower scene was coming and I still was scared.

Halloween is fast approaching.  All manner of media is going to talk about scary stuff.  New horror movies will be coming out and I will avoid them.  I was scared to see Jordon Peel’s “Get Out’.  Thank goodness my girlfriend held my hand. 

 Halloween was never my favorite holiday when the kids were growing up,  I volunteered to stay in the house and pass out candy.    I didn't really want the job of dressing up as a monster.   I can't even remember what I might've been for Halloween when I was trick-or-treating.  This year I have made a modest acknowledgment of Halloween.   I had  a pedicure the other day  and as a nod to Halloween I had them paint one big toe black and the other big toe orange...  The best thing about that idea?  They will stay hidden away from view. Just like my fear of death and scary movies – hidden away.

 Trick or Treat!!!!!





It’s Not All About You!


What I Saw this Week….