Let’s do lunch – I’ll introduce you ---- I’ll get back to you --- Give me a minute ---I’ll get right on that --- These expressions of intention from people who are committing, but not promising, are desires to follow- up on a request or a need. The ability to follow up requires real intention and an honest desire to help and commit. We have all experienced these resolutions but they are not always been fulfilled and are often ignored. What made me think of the value of following up were the events of the last couple of days. I was experiencing a follow-up extravaganza. Things people had, with all good intention, indicated they would follow up with me. I had doubted those intentions would ever see the light of day. I was wrong --- today was the culmination of many different follow-up items. The car salesman followed up with a visit to teach me how the car worked; I was introduced to a book editor; I was introduced to the Dean of a major Business School program; my tile person, landscaper and painter all showed up. I was reminded of the value of follow-up. The unspoken promise that something would be done to benefit and then the promisor followed up and did what he or she had promised... . After months of unfulfilled promises while remodeling my house, suddenly I have a group of gentlemen that are following up on what they said they would accomplish.
Follow up has little to do with accomplishment and everything to do with intention. It says I care and what I say means something. It says I intend to execute and will complete the task before promising the next one. People will remember that you were the one that made good on your promise. What was amazing for me is that all of this follow up came when I was least expecting it. I am full of gratitude that these promises would be and will be helpful. Never underestimate the value of follow-up on what you promised. It will set you apart from all those many professionals who make the lack of follow up their hallmark.