Dishwashing was a shared experience growing up. My sister’s and I did dishes on a rotating basis but nevertheless it was generally an argument as to who’s turn it was. Like many things we developed our own unique view of the process. Interestingly enough I believe my father actually enjoyed doing the dishes. He had a very particular method. However, I believe my parents, as much as they might have enjoyed the process, felt it important that my sisters and I would benefit from this life lesson.
We had a dishwasher but hand washing was my father’s specialty. I cannot remember the machine being used all that much. When necessary he would use the dishwasher. Like many things there was a correct way. In this case placement was the key component for correctness. The dishes had to be placed in a particular fashion. After all, those dividers and small compartments were not there for looks.
Some take dishwashing as an art form and no matter how much you would like to help; they would prefer to --- just do it themselves.
As they say, “the apple does not fall far…..” I rather like doing dishes. Most importantly I am particular about how the dishes are placed into the dishwasher. A developmental trait to be sure. This has caused some interesting discussions especially with persons I might be cohabiting. I can recall some spirited discussions dealing with the manner in which dishes are placed into the dishwasher and in what condition.
There is the random approach which basically means dishes are placed in the machine in a haphazard fashion, un-rinsed and pilled “akimbo” or in such away as if there is a little gnome inside the machine who would uncover those dishes to make sure they are cleaned.
Then there is my approach which is to rinse the dishes and place them in an orderly fashion so as to allow the wash action to actually reach the dishes. This would be the correct method.
Dishwashing could be a metaphor for the world we live in. There is the way we think things should be. In other words the correct way. Then there is the way others mistakenly believe things should be – definitely— the wrong way.
As much as I might instruct my girlfriend on the correct way to load the dishwasher it never seemed too resonant as we would have the same discussion whenever dishes were to be done.
If we cannot find compromise in this simple task, how do we expect to find resolution to things more complicated.? Hmmmmm
Economically we seem to be able to negotiate. At the core that is because someone believes they are getting the better deal and therefore willing to compromise. Economic incentive drives the spirit of compromise. Where there is none, we are most likely resolute in our belief and will continue to pile the dishes into the machine in whatever way we deem appropriate
Unfortunately, the frustrating part of the world we live in is…. there is no room for understanding that the dishwasher cannot get all the dishes cleaned unless we understand how best to load the machine. There is room for compromise on preparation but there will always be those dishes uncleaned if they are piled on top of each other without some understand of the proper order.
If we are to get anywhere in this highly complicated world, we are going to have to give up on all those entrenched beliefs. We are just going to have to accept the fact that the dishes will be clean enough no matter how they are placed into the machine.
Dishes? It is definitely not my turn - I washed them last night