Bachelor Party

Dear readers, forgive me for missing in action last week. I took a week off to try to wrap my head around the craziness that is our daily life in 2022. Remember when we were so happy to see 2021 go away and now look where we are.

On a lighter note, I was also distracted by the events of this last week and weekend. My youngest son had his bachelor party in celebration of his upcoming wedding in May. It was a 5 day affair!!! Now I know what you are thinking - strip clubs and other forms of debauchery. You would be wrong. The “weekend” events started with a very sophisticated intimate cocktail party hosted by one of my very best friends at an iconic San Francisco establishment. This was followed by a golf day, followed by a tennis day with dinners and many cocktails during the evening. What was different from the predictable bachelor party bad behavior was the celebration of friendship. This group of young men were there to enjoy each others company. They exchanged stories, talked about successes, talked trash on the golf course, imagined the future and exchanged world views. This was a celebration of their friendship and an opportunity to wish their friend and my son the very best as he embarked on this next most loving chapter. I was honored to be a part of it and felt welcomed at every event. What ever you might think of when you think Bachelor Party this was a truly fantastic event and one that will be remembered by all who were fortunate enough to attend.

Thank you gentlemen for including me.

With love….


Managing Expectations

