Until it isn’t

Everything is there until it isn’t

I am not sure who or what to blame ….. I was thinking I generally like winter – the cooler air – more layers of clothing – skiing --- at least in California winter doesn’t really happen until January and you start worrying about rain and whether we have enough --- then February shows up and you think---  what happened to winter because next month is March and spring, the rain stops in April and we start complaining about how fast the year has gone by because it is now June and the year is half over and everyone is really talking about how fast?!!……now it is hot and the kids are not back in school and there is a summer party or what about a vacation, didn’t I deserve a vacation with the kids…then the fall and it was just New Year’s Eve  

And then it isn’t…..

I heard today that a young colleague with an amazing family had passed away of a sudden heart attack after working out.   I hadn’t talked to him in a long time because winter and the holidays and the year was going so fast and I had no plans for a summer vacation but I would call him next week and we would have a catch up and an opportunity to see how things were going and to review how we were and how we would be.    The year was going so fast …. It was all so great and the times were fun and we have so much and we were and are so lucky.  We were going to have a chance to talk about all of this because the year was brand new, it was only mid-month, and the week was just starting and it was all there…..

……and then it wasn’t




Boots and Friends