
            “Is a theological belief that humans are responsible for the world, and should take care and look after it… In Jewish, Christian and Muslim traditions, stewardship refers to the way time, talents, material possessions, or wealth are used or given for the service of God…”

I have been thinking a lot about stewardship as my property is passing into the hands of another steward.  When I purchased my ranch in 2000, I always considered myself the steward of the property.  In reality, I was just a renter rather than an owner as the property surely would outlast me.  I was determined to leave the property in better shape than when I found it.  I believe I have done exactly that.  The creek beds are vibrant with Willows, Sycamore and Oak trees; the grass is full and has choked out the weeds.  Buildings occupy less than 1% of the property.  The native animals of California seek refuge here as there is plenty of water and forage. 

The idea of stewardship goes well beyond taking care of land.  We are stewards of our legacy and of the world that will be passed on to the next generation.  Stewardship has become a lost goal for the current leadership of our country.  “Rights” have replaced “responsibility” ; tribalism has replaced community.   It is more than disappointing that leaders have forgotten that words have consequence and governance is a responsibility not a privilege.  What do men like Trump and McConnell think about when they are alone with their own thoughts?  They have made climate change and health partisan issues.  These issues are global and effect everyone.  The sad result of ego aggrandizement is written on the dark pages of history.  The world’s disasters provide us with the blueprint for leaders that are only interested in the accumulation of power and wealth.  These so-called leaders are consumed with winning rather than stewardship. The landscape is littered with people like this in business, religion and politics.  What is the rational of leaders who have no respect for the role of stewardship?  They are consumed with self and cannot embrace the desire to leave the world a better place.  The selfishness of a populist view of the world denies that fact that we are a small part of a global adventure that is in need of real leadership and an understanding of stewardship. Trump is an easy example of the leadership of self and yet, he is just one of many in our country that have simply lost the understanding that the role of governance is broadly define not narrowly.   The world by almost any measure is in a worse position than it was just four years ago.  We have made zero progress towards the improvement of the human experience.  Lying has become a foundational pillar of governance.  Stewardship has been burned in a fire of distrust.  It is impossible to imagine that when the current leadership of this country or the climate/health deniers go to sleep at night, they think they are doing the right thing for this country, the next generation or the world.  It is the embracing of self that has replaced the responsibility of stewardship.

I feel sad…


