Seriously - Get a Grip

I have spent the better part of three days texting with a non human at United Airlines over my lost luggage. I was on a direct flight from Denver to SFO after having surgery in Vail for a meniscus issue. Suffice it to say United is, in my opinion, one of the worst enterprises masking as a service organization. There is nothing redeemable about the service or the product they offer. Expensive, unhealthy and uncomfortable, except, they did the only thing that is really important— they took off and landed these massive machines safely. I waisted hour after hour talking to a non person, trying to humiliate this non person in order to persuade them to do something they had no intention of ever doing. They were never going to step out of their protocol to do something of service. After four days of this the two bags showed up at my door delivered by a gentleman that is paid minimum wage and was willing to haul these bags up the steps so that I did not have to. Incidentally there was nothing in either of these two bags that could not be replaced other than my inconvenience.

As I felt the anguish and the vitriol release from my being I became aware that I had allowed these non humans, these replaceable items and my indignant behavior to take over the precious days given to me by some higher being. It is hard to step back and actually understand where we are at any given point. It is all too easy to allow that which we have no control over to become the controlling aspect of our lives. I was arguing over six inches of ground with two grumpy old men the other day. As I was arguing over something that had no serious impact on any of our lives I turned and walked away. I separated myself from the stupidity of the discussion. I determined at that moment that I had better things to do than to give either of them the power over my precious time.

It is difficult in the moment to take control or “get a grip” at the time of disappointment with an outcome that we never had control over, yet our ego seems to believe that it has control over everything —- the epitome of arrogance. As we approach Christmas Day or what ever winter solstice celebration you enjoy it might be a good time to realize that the thing that matters is others and the many people in our lives that we are grateful for. It is, indeed, a time for thanks for all the big and little things we are blessed with everyday. To be thankful for all of those people that come in and out of our lives. Giving away our precious time to rail against the injustices of things we have no control over is wasting the time we could give to those we care about including ourselves.

I am grateful for all of you who continue to read my writing every week. I am grateful for your comments. I am honored that you would deem my musing of value and worth your time. I am going to take a couple of weeks off from writing to reflect on what I have just experienced and what I have just written. I will recharge my mind and embrace all of those people and things that have been given to me over the last year.

With gratitude,

Fredric E.


Fulfillment (first published in March worth another read) Happy New Year


I love my job….It Takes a Village