Just Say Yes
The season of yes
It is easy to get comfortable with the routine. Favorite restaurants, vacation spots and all sorts of habits we do every day. Not only is change a challenge as we struggle to remove ourselves from our comfort zone but it is hard to say yes. So much easier to say no. After a couple of years of either lockdown or isolation I have determined that yes would be the optimal word for the next decade. Doesn’t have to be a big yes. No, I am talking about simple yes that moves the needle just a little, but opens you up to more than you expected. Of course, big yes will result in big changes --- moving across the country or out of the country. What I am referring to is your willingness to say yes to little things. The things that it is easy to say no to. I would suggest that doing that will add a level of excitement and discovery that going to the same restaurant will never achieve.
Case in point… The Snail Bar…
I live in Marin County. Now this is not a universal truth but getting someone from Marin to go to the East Bay is generally a hard no. My new friends from the Bell’s reunion dinner that I wrote about last week called to see if I would meet them at The Snail Bar. I had never heard of it and by the sound of the name it was never going to be on my “to do” list. But I am into saying “yes” and so I did exactly that. Now the distance to this establishment is 25 miles or less than 30 minutes. However, on a Friday evening it could take well over an hour. Not to be deterred from my yes program I headed out to this establishment.
I found a parking place in front of the restaurant. Must have been good karma for traveling all that way -- : -)
Better reward:
This little hole in the wall is fabulous. Great food, unusual but solid wine selection. My friend Greg said it was a super little place. Greg is always right.
Best reward:
The five of us had a fantastic conversation and became even better friends. A writer for me to bounce my naive questions off of – a film/AI/tech gentleman who knew my good friend who makes IMAX movies--- Francine and Brian — most special. The conversation was varied, exciting and I learned a lot. It was just fun.
Next Case…
I had dinner with a friend that I had not seen in a while. It evolved into a 5-hour conversation solving all of the world’s problems, having a lot of smiles and laughs and closing the restaurant. Such a wonderful evening…
Next case…
I picked up my grandson from tennis and took him to his community project. He tutors a young boy who normally would not have access to additional educational help. Best part --- we had dinner after. Now for all of those who think this generation spends all of their time with their nose buried in an electronic device, I will tell you be careful when you paint things with a broad brush. This generation is thoughtful, open minded, without bias and brilliant. We had a varied conversation and help with my book. I can hardly wait for them to kick-out the narrow-minded, biased individuals who pose as leaders in the US Congress.
None of these events are either earth shattering or unique in the grander scheme of fancy things to do in the world. But they occurred because I said yes. They broadened my world view, made me think and well, they were just super fun.
If you say no ---- it doesn’t happen….