
Finger Pointing…...

Why is it that people cannot take responsibility for their actions?  Why is it necessary to point the finger at someone else?  Is culpability a foreign substance like the plague.  It appears that is the case.  I have written about my experience remodeling a small home in Northern California.   As reported, there have been a boatload of issues with this project.  As a general rule, if there is an issue the immediate explanation is not a solution but a string of reasons  why it is “not my fault”…… Supply chain, weather delay, the other guy’s faulty performance or some other excuse. Whatever it is, it is not my fault.  A common problem is the third party.  The service provider asks a third party do part of their service or job.  Then when things go wrong, they can blame the third party.  I have a different view of this arrangement.  If you ask someone  to do part of your job, it is still your responsibility to follow up and make sure it is done correctly.  Just because you asked someone else to do your dirty work does not absolve you from responsibility to the end user.  General finger pointing, not only endemic in the construction business, but it is with our political leaders.  There are few (none) who accept responsibility, it is always the other guy.

Here we are on election night and in all likely hood congress will be spit as a best-case scenario.   We will be destined to live through two years of accusations and finger-pointing.  No one will take responsibility for anything and will always, always be pointing to problems as the responsibility of the other guy regardless of the facts.  I have had conversations with both sides of the argument and the first sentence out of their mouths is an accusation that the other person was the cause of it all.  In the end all of this finger-pointing will end up like my construction project, no one will accept responsibility and it will be left to me to find the solution.  As in our political world we will hear about how the other person is at fault.  It is far safer to accuse the other side.  Thus we can avoid the truly hard work of finding a solution to the problem. 

Why seek solution when you can just point fingers…




Friendship in Motion

