Dog Days of Summer


The Dog Days of Summer

The period in the zodiac between July 3 – August 11th or 20 days before and after the alignment of Sirius with the Sun. Generally considered the most oppressive days of summer --- days that are not “fit for a dog”. 

For me, the “Dog Days” are now. The last week of August and the first week of September. Gone is that initial warmth of summer when you leave the house for the first time without an extra layer.  The gap in your daily schedule that was filled with chauffeuring the children is suddenly and deliciously filled with the opportunity to have a moment to yourself.  Those sounds and smells of summer are now a distant memory.  Suddenly replaced with a new school, the trauma of new teachers, friends, routine, and every other thing under the sun.  I always felt the “dog days “ were these days.  The end of summer when it was still hot.  My children and I referred to these days as the three “H’s” --- hazy hot and humid.  An especially meaningful description of the miserableness that is New York City at this time.

It is so dry here in California and it appears the State is burning up. Crises are everywhere and we are just exhausted. The “Dog Days of Summer” is an apt description of how I feel as we limp towards Labor Day.  The promise of shorter days and cooler temperatures. The smell of leaves as early decay sets in on the landscape. Mother Nature finally allows the trees to rest and the fires have hopefully exhausted themselves leaving their trail of destruction.  The lack of resolution surrounds us ——— tragedy, war, death, illness, poverty.  The finger pointers and the liars are rewriting history. Instead of pulling together, we are pulling apart. Denying the obvious need for change by rewriting history, lying, and self-promotion. There was nothing relaxing about this summer. Fall holds the hope of renewal as what is left of the freshness of spring and early summer dies and falls to the ground. Autumn brings rest for nature and the hope that winter brings much need moisture to a world in need of water. It is my favorite time of year, Wouldn’t you like a word that encapsulates the renewal that fall announces. The hope and joy of that fall smell as you kick through that pile of leaves. Much to my surprise, there is a German word for exactly that feeling as we kick through those old leaves in hopes winter will wipe the slate clean for next summer.



“Kicking through piles of autumn leaves”


