Core Values

There is the view of self and then there is the view from others.  The Presidential election seems to draw this into sharper focus.  The Democratic candidate, Ms. Kamala Harris, made it a point to tell people that her core values remain the same.  Her opinion or views on politically charged subjects have changed overtime.  Her opponent, the convicted felon, does not seem to have core values, but has opinions that change depending on what is politically expedient.  However, his core value of self-importance is consistent.  He remains dedicated to self and nothing else.

Does your core personality change when people see you in a different way?  I think I am a person with core values that have been consistent.  However, not everyone sees me in that same light.  My children see me in a certain way, my business colleagues see me in another way.  I have had relationships where the view started in one silo but over time depending on the relationship success or lack thereof changed to a completely different one.    Often that change of understanding was charged with anger and disappointment. 

Did I change or does my core stay the same while the ephemeral view of another person change? Perspective is all important.  It is similar to people’s view of the traffic accident where two witnesses describe two completely different scenes. One sees a blue car while the other swears it was red.  

I have a view of myself and a belief system that forms the core of who I am.  For most in my circle of family, friends and colleagues that is enough and accepted.  For others who have changed their understanding of my core values, it is often charged with anger and disappointment. The philosopher would say do not be concerned with what others think.  In all probability the thoughts of others are determined, not by a change in one’s core value, but rather a change in them.  That change needs to find a home, a reason for being.

It is the true strength of and necessity to understand the value of empathy.  Not only to understand another point of view but to understand where that view was formulated.  An understanding of core value.  If I find a reason to be angry with you to justify that anger, I am probably not in full understanding of the why of your behavior or the value system from which you operate.  Finding that understanding will lead to a better relationship regardless of opinions.

I respect Ms. Harris for focusing on her core values and her desire for the voters to understand them.  I find it impossible to respect her opponent because he has demonstrated a complete lack of a value system.  I might agree or disagree with policy as the likelihood of those promises coming to fruition is fraught with challenges.  However, what I can rely on is an understanding of a value system from which the individual operates. That is a far better use of one’s time when making a decision on whether or not you wish to build a relationship or vote.

I remain true to my core and I respect those that follow their’s.


Boy, I have to lighten up!!!



Work or Coffee

